Online Workshop organised by North Kazakhstan NATO TEAM (Petropavl, Kazakhstan) In cooperation with IT University, Astana


22 April 2021 – Within the project G5633: Anti-Drones – Innovative concept to detect, recognize and track killer-drones, an online workshop was organized by North Kazakhstan NATO TEAM in cooperation with IT University, Astana. There was an introductory speech by Dr. Claudio Palestini, NATO-OTAN Bruxelles and Prof. Dr. Alessandro Figus NKSU Consultant. In this workshop, the work done by the teams that are involved in the project G5633 was presented and discussions were opened which generally included project issues.

Dr. Eng. Alessandro Cantelli Forti as a project coordinator presented the work of CNIT, Prof. Dr Ildar Kurmashev presented the work of NKSU together with Vlad Semenyuk as a project team member and Dr Edmond Jajaga presented the work done by Mother Teressa University team.

Also, in this workshop participated representatives from Moldova Inspectorate of Police – Capt. Valeri Donoaga, The Nato Team Moldova Prof. Diana Spulber – International Institute Management, and The Kazakhstan IT University Military Department and the NKSU Atygaev Zhomart Aitkulovich, Deputy Head of the Department of tactics of service and combat use.

In the end, a conclusion was given by Prof. Alessandro Figus, a project consultant from the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio.


  • 14.00 – (14.00 Astana time, 09.00 Rome time) Welcome by Dr. Claudio Palestini, NATO-OTAN Bruxelles, Prof. Dr. Alessandro Figus, NKSU Consultant, NKSU Nato team, Anti-drone project
  • 14.15 – Dr. Eng. Alessandro Cantelli Forti, CNIT, Anti-drone project coordinator
  • 14.30 – Prof. Dr. Ildar Kurmashev, NKSU Team, Project PPD
  • 14.45 – Vadim Sarsenbayev, Vlad Semenyuk and Ludovico de Serio, NKSU project team members
  • 15.00 – Oliveira Petrovska, North Macedonia Maria Theresa University
  • 15.15 – The Italian Embassy in Kazakhstan – The Defence Office,
  • 15.20 – The project end user the Moldova Inspectorate of Police, Capt. Valeri Donoaga
  • 15.40 – The Nato Team Moldova – Prof. Mihai Calalb, State University of Tiraspol and Prof. Diana Spulber, International Institute of Management
  • 16.10 – The Kazakhstan IT University Military Department and the NKSU Atygaev Zhomart Aitkulovich, Deputy Head of the Department of tactics of service and combat use
  • 16.20 – Conclusion by Prof. Alessandro Figus, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio and project consultant


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