Management Bodies

Steering Board (SB): composed of one delegate from each partner and chaired by CNIT-RASS, the SB acts as the highest decision-making body. The SB will favor consensus decision-making. If this is not possible for a specific issue, majority voting will be adopted, CNIT-RASS having the casting vote. The SB revises the Consortium Agreement (CA) and acts on all issues in which collective responsibility is involved.

Executive Board (EB): chaired by the NATO Project Director (NPD) and joined by the Partner Project Director (PPD) and the Co-Coordinator, it is responsible for the project execution and governance. It guarantees the overall and interdisciplinary (legal, contractual, financial and administrative) management, coordinates WP activities, monitors progress and achievement of objectives, and the timely delivery of high-quality results. It decides on risk mitigation, IPR issues, and co-operation with other initiatives. It will favor consensus decision-meeting and, when not possible, will escalate the issue in question to the SB.

Advisory Board (AB): composed of experts from different domains (e.g. LEAs, municipalities, large enterprises, tec.), the AB advises both the EB and SB on requirements and use-cases, prioritization, and evaluation of the project results and decisions made.

Project Office (PO): It assists the PPD and oversees quality control, continuous risk assessment as well as management of IPRs and dissemination activities. The Security Officer (SO) assesses the confidentiality and grant/deny access to the project results to third-parties. No information will be released by the consortium without her/his prior approval.

To ensure effective communication, bi-weekly tele or video conferences using Zoom will be organized along with physical meetings carefully planned or called whenever necessary.